Call of Cthulhu online game

Run by Tyler Hudak

In OpenRPG


(1255) trevlix: does everyone have a charavter?
(1253) No Name: lol
(1253) No Name: Yes
(1221) CthulhuKid: I don't seem to have a sheet yet
Attempting to assign the role of GM to (1255) trevlix...
(1221) CthulhuKid: there we go
(1255) trevlix: Booting '(1214) GM'...
(1214) GM (exit): 21:21
(1255) GM: sorry about crashed
(1255) GM: ok. does everyone have one now?
(1221) CthulhuKid: oui
(1255) GM: sweet. change your name to the first name of your char if you i can know who is who
** (1221) Herman adjusts his tie **
(1255) GM: little background on everyone. you are all executives for a company known as Rolly Inc
(1230) BETHUNE: can I change my character name to say "Hugo McCock"?
(1255) GM: The company makes widgets, and is doing a good job at it.
(1255) GM: go for it:)
(1253) Troy: I tried to change my name, but it hasn't worked in the past, so...
(1255) GM: it worked
(1253) Troy: Continue
(1255) GM: the company is based out of arkham, mass but you were all in a conference in maine
(1255) GM: talking to another company about a merger
(1255) GM: hwever, in the middle of the conference Troy (the CEO) got a call that there was a problem back at the company HQ
(1255) GM: something to do with a fire or something along those lines...the call wasn't clear
(1253) Troy: Okay.
(1255) GM: needless to say, you had to get back to the HQ ASAP
(1255) GM: Of course, you all were in the middle of nowhere in Maine, so getting a plane wasn't easy
(1255) GM: finally, you were able to charter a small 4 seater cesna to take you to Boston
(1255) GM: Your captains name is Dusty Roads
(1221) Herman: Blast, no first class...
(1255) GM: He's a local yokol, but seems to be proficient enough
(1255) GM: the plane takes off without a problem and soon you are flying the friendly skies
(1255) Dusty Roads: So how is everyone doing tonight?
(1253) Troy: A little cramped.
** (1255) Dusty Roads laughs **
(1221) Herman: Wondering how I got this headache
(1230) Henry: a little hungry
(1255) Dusty Roads: Yep, this baby may be small and old, but she can handle anything anyone throws at her
(1255) Dusty Roads: There may be some chicklets in the seat cushion
(1221) Herman: "I wouldn't throw a paper bag at this thing" he says under his breath
(1253) Troy: Good Lord.
(1230) Henry: no peanuts?
** (1255) Dusty Roads laughs jovially **
(1255) Dusty Roads: You city folk!
(1221) Herman: Troy, have you tried calling the office again?
** (1221) Herman tries his best to ignore the local **
(1253) Troy: No, I couldn't hear what the hell they were saying while we were in the boardroom, I doubt I could hear them over the engines...
** (1221) Herman sighs **
** (1255) Dusty Roads looks at the console, taps on the gas light which reads E, then watches as it floats towards F **
** (1221) Herman tightens his seatbelt **
(1221) Herman: So, um, Dusty? How long 'till Boston?
(1230) Henry: when is the safty demonstration?
(1255) Dusty Roads: Well, Right now we're over the coast of Maine. Should be about an hour.
** (1253) Troy sits back and closes his eyes **
** (1221) Herman leans back in his chair, groaning **
(1253) Troy: Ugh, does anyone have any Pepto?
(1255) Dusty Roads: Control, what is your weather forecast?
(1230) Henry: I've got some Tums
(1255) Dusty Roads: into the headset - Control, what is your weather forecast?
(1255) Dusty Roads: (sorry)
(1253) Troy: Give me two or you're fired.
(1255) Dusty Roads: into the headset - Uh huh, that's what I thought.
(1221) Herman: Wish I didn't put my flask in my luggage
(1230) Henry: right away sir
(1255) Dusty Roads: into the headset - Well, that's not what I'm seeing!
(1221) Herman: Good job, Hank...always fighting to stay on top
(1255) Dusty Roads: GM: everyone roll spot hidden
(1221) Herman: [1d100] -> [10] = (10)
(1221) Herman: yep
(1255) Dusty Roads: GM: Troy & Henry?
(1253) Troy: How did I not get any Spot Hidden?
(1255) Dusty Roads: GM: sorry. it should be 35
** (1221) Herman 's eyes swing lazily to the window **
(1230) Henry: I need one too
(1255) Dusty Roads: GM: 35
(1255) Dusty Roads: GM: these sheets suck. i'm gonna create my own
(1230) Henry: [1d100] -> [84] = (84)
(1253) Troy: [1d100] -> [37] = (37)
(1221) Herman: OOC: I think I may have a good one.....I'll check after the games
(1255) Dusty Roads: GM: Henry & Troy: everything looks peachy to you
(1255) Dusty Roads: Herman: The skies are looking rather dark ahead
(1221) Herman: Blasted New England weather...
** (1253) Troy whistles nonchalantly **
(1253) Troy: What do you mean?
(1255) Dusty Roads: G: From now on, i'll prob whisper the results of the rolls to everyone if they are different
(1253) Troy: ok
(1221) Herman: This thing can handle that, right, um, Dusty?
(1253) Troy: *looks up* Can handle what?
(1255) Dusty Roads: Well, those clouds aren't exactly happy clouds, if you know what I mean
** (1221) Herman points out the window **
(1221) Herman: Well yes, but that's no problem, right?
(1255) Dusty Roads: You all better tighten your seatbelts
(1221) Herman: Hank? Start passing out the Tums
(1230) Henry: consider it stepped on
** (1253) Troy tightens his seatbelt **
(1255) GM: All of a sudden, the plane begins to thrash in the air, bouncing up and down
(1230) Henry: will do
(1221) Herman: This ow is ow normal ow, right?
(1253) Troy: Son of a--!
(1255) GM: Dusty desperately tries to hold on to the controls, but is having a difficult time
** (1221) Herman watches as all the precious Tums goes rolling to the floor **
** (1221) Herman closes his eyes **
** (1253) Troy grips the seat, his knuckles turning white **
(1255) GM: Into his headset, Dusty screams "Mayday! Mayday! SOS!"
(1255) GM: The plane begins to plummet down towards the ground below
(1221) Herman: Oh shit, now I'll never get the company in a hostle takeover!
(1221) Herman: Dear God!
(1255) GM: You see the elevation dial spin rapidly as the plane falls farther and farther
** (1221) Herman begins mumbling prayers between sobs **
** (1253) Troy begins mumbling expletives rapidly **
** (1230) Henry Henry braces for impact **
(1255) GM: Just when it looks like you are going to crash head first into the ground, Dusty maintains control of the plane and pulls it up enough so the plane begins to skid...
(1255) GM: through a small grove of trees.
(1221) Herman: shitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshit...etc.
(1255) GM: Outside you can see branches take off the wings as the plane bumps violently along the ground
(1230) Henry: the wings! we needed those!
(1255) GM: Suddenly, a branch (or is it a tree itself?) comes crashing through the window of the cockpit, knocking Dusty's head back with a sickening crack
** (1221) Herman does his best to get in a "crash position" **
(1255) GM: Slowly, the plane begins to slow down, and finally stop in a small clearing.
(1230) Henry: the piolet! we needed him too!
(1221) Herman: shitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshit...etc.
(1253) Troy: Mother FUCKER! Dusty, what the hell happened?
(1255) GM: Dusty sits there, his head hanging down
(1221) Herman: shitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshit..further etc.
(1253) Troy: Dusty? Dusty...?
** (1253) Troy pulls on Dusty's shoulder **
** (1230) Henry checks for a pulse **
** (1221) Herman begins whimpering "shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit" **
(1255) GM: His head falls back and you notice a large branch sticking into his neck, blood pouring down his shirt...No pulse
(1221) Herman: (eww)
(1253) Troy: G
(1255) GM: You all notice that the back of the plane is on fire
(1253) Troy: Goddamn
** (1221) Herman begins sobbing heavily **
(1230) Henry: everyone out, now!!
** (1253) Troy makes his way out of the plane **
** (1221) Herman remains still, his body quaking with powerful sobs **
(1253) Troy: Yo, Herman, the plane is on fire! Let's go!
whispering to Troy, you notice the fire is getting close to the gas tanks
(1253) Troy: Herman, NOW
** (1230) Henry slaps Herman **
** (1221) Herman look up into Henry's face...finally recognizing something **
(1221) Herman: What ::sniff:: happened?
(1253) Troy: Plane! Fire! OUT!!
(1230) Henry: move it
** (1221) Herman always the follower, takes off his seatbelt **
(1255) GM: Considering that the plane is missing most of its body, you all make it out without a problem
(1221) Herman: what happened?
(1255) GM: You all notice the fire is getting pretty close to the remains of the gas tank
(1253) Troy: We crashed and the pilot died, now let's get away from this thing before it blows up.
(1230) Henry: Troy, do you have your phone?
(1253) Troy: Yes, let's go.
** (1221) Herman finally realizes that the danger isn't over....begins quickly moving away from the plane **
(1255) GM: You all run away from the plane as fast as you can. Behind you the plane explodes in a brilliant ball of fire, the force throwing everyone to the ground.
(1221) Herman: (mmmm...mud(
(1255) GM: All around you land bits and pieces of burning wreckage
(1253) Troy: *pulling his face out of the mud* Armani suit...ruined.
(1255) GM: You slowly realize all your possessions were on that plane, along with the radio.
(1255) GM: You are stuck.
** (1221) Herman rolls onto his back. He begins staring at the sky **
** (1253) Troy pulls out his cell phone and checks for a signal **
(1255) GM: No signal
(1253) Troy: Damnit!
(1221) Herman: (well duh, that's too easy)
** (1253) Troy throws his cell phone on the ground **
(1230) Henry: let's get to higher ground and check again
(1255) GM: You survey the area and notice that you are in a small clearing in the middle of a forest.
(1253) Troy: Let's go for that clearing instead.
(1255) GM: The forest is pitch black, the only light from the burning wreckage around you
(1255) GM: you are in the clearing now
(1230) Henry: shall we use the wreakage to make a fire?
(1255) GM: Roll Spot Hidden
(1253) Troy: [1d100] -> [31] = (31)
(1221) Herman: [1d100] -> [13] = (13)
(1230) Henry: [1d100] -> [41] = (41)
(1221) Herman: oui
(1253) Troy: ((35))
(1255) GM: Troy & Herman - you notice what looks like a small animal path to the easy
(1255) GM: er east
(1253) Troy: I don't know if I want to see what made that path at this hour...
(1255) GM: BTW, its night out...didn't know if I mentioned that before...about 10pm
** (1221) Herman rolls onto his side and stares into the fire **
(1230) Henry: let's everyone stick together
(1255) GM: Above you hear the crack of thunder and begin to feel drops of rain
(1253) Troy: Fucking great.
** (1221) Herman begins to chuckle softly **
(1253) Troy: Any thoughts, Henry? Herman?
** (1221) Herman starts laughing harder **
(1230) Henry: get under the trees?
(1253) Troy: Good idea, Henry. Herman, let's go.
(1255) GM: The rain begins to pick up, slowly dousing the fire, and any light, around you.
** (1221) Herman rolls onto his back, letting the rain hit his face **
(1253) Troy: Henry, grab one of his arms, let's get him out of the rain.
(1230) Henry: got it
** (1253) Troy grabs one arm **
** (1230) Henry grabs the other **
(1221) Herman: oh what's the point guys? Christ
(1255) GM: Where are you headed to?
(1253) Troy: under the trees
(1255) GM: which way?
(1253) Troy: right side of the clearing (plane behind us)
(1255) GM: That actually leads you to the animal trail.
(1253) Troy: sounds good ;)
(1255) GM: The trail looks well worn, and as you get closer something strikes you as odd.
(1255) GM: Spot Hidden again
(1253) Troy: [1d100] -> [76] = (76)
(1230) Henry: [1d100] -> [64] = (64)
(1253) Troy: nope
(1221) Herman: [1d100] -> [26] = (26)
(1221) Herman: apparenlty my peepers are quite good
whispering to Herman, You see some footprints along the trail
(1253) Troy: too bad you're totally fucking nuts...hehe
(1221) Herman (whispering): Human?
whispering to Herman, yes
(1221) Herman: I'm not totally fucking nuts!
(1221) Herman: I'm probably the most rational one here!
(1253) Troy: Of course. Not sit here and be quiet.
(1221) Herman: You guys, getting all gungho foresty.....WE'RE FUCKING PENCIL PUSHERS? WHAT THE HELL CAN WE POSSIBLY DO?
(1230) Henry: stay together until it gets light
(1221) Herman: Anyway, hunters walk on this trail, hopefully they'll come by tomorrow, too
** (1221) Herman points to a footprint **
(1255) GM: Lightening strikes again, illuminating the forest for a brief second.
(1255) GM: Herman points a human footprint on the trail to everyone.
(1253) Troy: Well, good. All we have to do is wait, then.
(1255) GM: The footprints head off into the firest.
(1255) GM: forest
(1255) GM: Roll Listen everyone
(1253) Troy: [1d100] -> [70] = (70)
(1221) Herman: [1d100] -> [1] = (1)
(1230) Henry: [1d100] -> [1] = (1)
(1253) Troy: nope
(1221) Herman: wow!
(1255) GM: DAMN!
(1230) Henry: ((35))
(1255) GM: Was that a wolf howling?
(1221) Herman: I think I hear my mother calling
(1221) Herman: which is odd....she lives in Iowa
(1221) Herman: or maybe...oh so worldly ones....we should follow this damn thing and find the hunters
(1221) Herman: what do you say?
** (1221) Herman whipes his nose with his sleeve, smearing mud on his face **
(1230) Henry: New England isn't really know for wolves you guys
(1253) Troy: I don't see any harm in using the path...that's what it's here for, right?
(1255) GM: The light from the fire is fading fast as the rain begins a torrential downpout
(1221) Herman: exactly how are we going to see it?
(1255) GM: downpour...i can type
(1253) Troy: We can feel our way along it
(1221) Herman: (told ya it's tough :))
(1221) Herman: GM: Fire's not completely out yet?
(1230) Henry: let's light a tourch
(1255) GM: Nope. There are still some places burning pretty good, but probably won't last too much longer
(1221) Herman: Use my jacket, soak it in the it'll burn through my sweat stains, we'll be good for the evening
(1221) Herman: I can't believe I'm fucking doing this
(1253) Troy: You sure, Herman?
(1230) Henry: we'll take turns burning cloths
(1230) Henry: I'll go next
(1221) Herman: Well, I'm not exactly going to influence a board with this one anymore
(1253) Troy: I'll go never, this is a damn Armani, guys! $1500!
(1221) Herman: just take it, let's go
** (1221) Herman hands Troy his jacket **
(1255) GM: The wolf howls again, somewhat closer this time
** (1253) Troy grabs it and breaks a branch off a tree **
(1230) Henry: get that tourch light
(1230) Henry: *lit
(1221) Herman: Great...just waht I fucking need
** (1253) Troy wraps it around the end of the branch and takes it to the closest fire **
(1255) GM: Troy is able to get a torch burning without too much trouble. It nicely illuminates the path for you.
** (1221) Herman shrugs **
(1221) Herman: maybe that'll keep them off us for a while
** (1221) Herman smiles **
(1255) GM: The path leads to the east into the forest.
(1253) Troy: Great job, Herman. I'll go first.
(1221) Herman: You're the boss
(1230) Henry: second
** (1253) Troy begins walking down the path **
(1253) Troy: Damn right, and don't forget it.
** (1221) Herman follows like a yes man.... **
(1253) Troy: Henry, keep an eye out for wolves back there.
(1255) GM: You all begin to walk down the path. After about a quarter mile you come to a brick wall.
(1253) Troy: ((just a long brick wall?))
(1221) Herman: We crash in Berlin?
(1255) GM: The wall is about 15 feet high and extends as far as we can see.
(1221) Herman: God...why am I making jokes....
(1255) GM: Looking down though, you can see what looks like a small hole in the wall.
(1253) Troy: Well goddamn
(1255) GM: The path stops here.
(1221) Herman: My kingdom for a map
(1253) Troy: Should we venture through the hole, gentlemen, or stay here?
(1221) Herman: well...Troy's kingdom....sorry
** (1221) Herman takes a look see through the wall **
(1230) Henry: I say stay
whispering to Herman, you see a house
whispering to Herman, light comes from only one window on the first floor
(1221) Herman: Well, go ahead and wait here....I'll make sure to bring out breakfast for you guys tomorrow morning
(1253) Troy: If you go through, we all do.
(1230) Henry: let's go
(1221) Herman (whispering): Is it big enough for folks like us to fit through?
whispering to Herman, one at a time
(1253) Troy: Just remember who goes through first.
(1221) Herman: Take a look fellas....hopefully this guy already called about the plane
(1221) Herman: maybe today ain't so bad
** (1221) Herman chuckles **
(1221) Herman: right
** (1253) Troy looks through the hole **
(1230) Henry: see anything?
(1255) GM: Looking through the hole, you see a house on the other side, illuminated only by a light coming out of one window on the first floor
(1221) Herman: Well Hank, you may have to do a few situps to make it through, but we should be fine
(1253) Troy: Let's go. You boys have your wallets with you?
** (1221) Herman bows "After you, mon capitain" **
(1230) Henry: just don't let your nose get stuck up Troy's butt
(1221) Herman: How do you thik I got this job?
** (1221) Herman smiles **
** (1253) Troy climbs through the hole **
(1255) GM: You all make it through the hole and appear on the other side.
** (1230) Henry does likewise **
(1255) GM: The house is a medium size house, not too big but not too small.
** (1253) Troy makes his way to the house. **
(1230) Henry: should we knock?
(1255) GM: A porch faces you, leading up to the house.
(1221) Herman: Hell's yeah, I'm soaked
(1255) GM: The light comes out of a window facing you on the porch
** (1253) Troy climbs the porch and looks back at them, then turns and knocks twice. **
** (1221) Herman stands behind him, donning his salesman smile **
(1255) GM: Troy knocks on the door, and can hear it echo within the house, with no answer.
(1255) GM: On the porch are 2 lazy-boy recliners, both in terrible shape.
** (1221) Herman leans over and looks in the window **
(1230) Henry: well a light's on
(1253) Troy: Exactly.
(1230) Henry: I call one
(1221) Herman: Probably in the shower, knowing our luck
** (1253) Troy knocks again, louder. **
(1255) GM: You notice that the porch isn't very well taken care of, with leaves and dirt everywhere
(1230) Henry: so who pays the electric bill?
(1255) GM: In the window you see a dining room, with a fireplace, which is where the light is coming from.
(1221) Herman: (as long as noone's playing a banjo)
(1221) Herman: Wow, a fireplace....I gotta get in there...
(1255) GM: A table in the middle of the room shows 4 half eaten dinner plates
** (1221) Herman knocks on the window **
(1230) Henry: try opening a door
(1255) GM: Nothing
(1221) Herman: HELLO? ANYONE HOME?
(1255) GM: The door opens
** (1253) Troy turns the doorknob **
(1253) Troy: Well, here goes nothing.
(1221) Herman: I'm not gonna break into this guy's house, I'm not going to become a common criminal
** (1253) Troy walks in slowly. **
(1221) Herman: HELLO?
(1253) Troy: HELLO?
** (1230) Henry follows **
** (1221) Herman sighs **
(1221) Herman: For the record, I didn't agree to this
(1255) GM: OOC: OK, I wanted to have a map for you guys, but never got around to it, so i'm going to try to draw it as best i can
(1221) Herman: (heh)
(1253) Troy: HELLLLLOOOOO?
(1221) Herman: wow, good luck
(1255) GM: how do you erase the stuff?
(1230) Henry: good job Herman
(1221) Herman: right click on the screen...should say "Erase Whiteboard"
(1221) Herman: actually sez "remove"
(1255) GM: ok, taking too long. i'll just describe it to you
(1221) Herman: oh....woops...sorry, thought you could erase the whole bad
(1255) GM: the door opens up to a long hallway. The light from your torch reveals three closed doors on the right, each about 10 feet apart
(1255) GM: no prob
(1255) GM: on the left are two doors, each about 20 feet apart
(1255) GM: between them a picture hangs on the wall
(1255) GM: You didn't hear a response from your yelling
** (1253) Troy looks at the picture **
** (1221) Herman looks for the quickest way to get near the fireplace **
(1255) GM: You don't see the fireplace, but it was on the left outside
(1255) GM: Troy, are you going in?
(1253) Troy: To where? I was looking at the picture
(1255) GM: In the house. The picture is in the middle of the hallway, about 15 feet away from you
** (1253) Troy goes to look at the picture more closely. **
(1230) Henry: is it worth anything?
(1255) GM: You see a portrait of a man, somewhat good looking, in the middle of his 40s probably.
(1221) Herman: Oh Christ Henry
(1253) Troy: No.
whispering to Troy, Roll spot hidden
(1221) Herman: Well, if you're gonna break the law, I'll at least get dry
(1253) Troy: [1d100] -> [40] = (40)
** (1221) Herman begins going to where he thinks the fireplace'll be **
whispering to Troy, nothing
** (1253) Troy watches Herman **
(1255) GM: Herman, it looks as if the fireplace would be in one of the doors to the left
(1221) Herman: HELLO? CANDYGRAM
(1253) Troy: Where are you going?
whispering to Herman, roll spot hidden
(1221) Herman: [1d100] -> [12] = (12)
(1221) Herman (whispering): oui
whispering to Herman, you see a piece of paper on the floor
(1221) Herman (whispering): I'll pick it up on my way to the first door on the left
** (1230) Henry Henry examines the farthest door **
(1255) GM: forgot to mention there is a double door at the end of the hall
(1255) GM: do you open the door?
(1230) Henry: sure why not
(1221) Herman: GM: I shall be opening the first one on the left, yes
(1230) Henry: the double door
(1255) GM: ok. hold on everyone
(1253) Troy: Hey, guys, can we stick together here?
(1230) Henry: be right there
(1255) GM: ok, where is everyone going?
(1253) Troy: I'm still standing by the pic, watching what everyone else does.
(1230) Henry: Troy's door
(1255) GM: herman?
(1221) Herman: I'm the red arrow :)
whispering to Herman, you have the paper
(1221) Herman (whispering): I'll make sure to look once I'm comfortable :)
(1253) Troy: I'm blue
(1255) GM: ok. you enter the first door on the left and enter a dining room
whispering to Herman, ok
(1255) GM: btw, those arent drawn to scale
(1253) Troy: Sorry
(1255) GM: the room contains a huge table, holding 4 plates of an unfinished dinner
(1255) GM: one window opens up on the wall to the west, one to the north
** (1230) Henry Henry looks at the dinning room from the fall **
(1255) GM: in the middle of the southern wall, is the fireplace, a warm fire blazing
(1230) Henry: *hall
(1253) Troy: See anything, you guys?
(1255) GM: you see a cabinet in the NE corner
** (1221) Herman grabs a chair and moves it towards the fireplace **
(1255) GM: a door is also closed on the east wall
** (1230) Henry warms his hands near the fire **
** (1253) Troy walks into the room with them. **
(1255) GM: Henry begins to feel warmer immediately
(1253) Troy: Hmmmm... *goes over to the cabinet and tries to open it*
** (1221) Herman sits down and absent mindedly looks at the paper in his hand **
(1255) GM: The cabinet is locked
(1253) Troy: Damn. Whatcha got there, Herm?
whispering to Herman, It reads: "Be sure you come promptly tonight. The stars are right to bring him back and we must be successful. Signed, Mortimer Hardon."
(1221) Herman: Stuck to the bottom of my shoe...I dunno
(1221) Herman: Doesn't make a lick of sense, if you ask me
(1253) Troy: The papers?
(1221) Herman: although it might explain where our family or whatever is
whispering to Troy, Looking into the cabinet, you can see bottles of liquor
(1253) Troy: Let me take a look at them.
(1253) Troy: The papers, that is
(1221) Herman: no wait, it's funnier if I read them outloud
** (1221) Herman clears his throat **
(1253) Troy: Okay.
** (1253) Troy listens **
** (1221) Herman in a huffy accent **
** (1230) Henry lends an ear **
(1221) Herman: "Be sure you come promptly tonight. The stars are right to bring him back and we must be successful. Signed, Mortimer Hardon, Esquire."
(1221) Herman: yes, that's right, his last name is Hardon
(1230) Henry: the porn star?
** (1221) Herman tosses the paper on the floor **
(1253) Troy: That is pretty funny. It say who they're bringing back?
(1221) Herman: Him
(1221) Herman: I hope it's BJ and he brings the Bear....
(1230) Henry: interesting
(1255) GM: (DOH! Didn't even realize the last name. I meant it to sound like hard-en :))
(1230) Henry: you know anyone by that n
(1221) Herman: Well, we shouldn't get to comfortable...I'd hate for them to come home from this shindig to find a bunch of wet business men in their home
(1221) Herman: quick nap...then we're out
(1253) Troy: Yeah, how about we not nap, and just wait for them?
(1230) Henry: I say we wait for the owners too
(1221) Herman: I'd still not rather be inside....don't know if this party is violent
(1255) GM: The torch you have is beginning to burn dangerously close to your hands
(1221) Herman: You should probably check for a gun cabinet or something
(1221) Herman: if there is one, and it's empty, we go
** (1253) Troy tosses the torch into the fire. **
(1253) Troy: All I saw in that cabinet over there was liquor.
whispering to Troy, You notice an extinguished candlestick on the table)
(1230) Henry: anyone for a small nip?
(1221) Herman: Oh PLEASE tell me there's Bourbon.....
(1221) Herman: I'll gladly pay $100 for a glass
(1253) Troy: Go check, I didn't pay much attention. I'm gonna light this candlestick, then we can go explore. I don't think there will be any harm in that.
(1255) GM: Looking into the cabinet, you can see a bottle of bourbon, JD, Vodka, Wild Turkey and Rootbeer Schnapps
(1221) Herman: No....I just don't want a lawsuit
(1253) Troy: You don't think we can handle a lawsuit? We're Rolly, Inc.!
(1221) Herman: if I can just get this open...
** (1221) Herman begins fiddling with the lcok **
(1255) GM: Herman, roll d100
** (1221) Herman begins fiddling with the lock afterwards **
(1221) Herman: [1d100] -> [37] = (37)
(1255) GM: the lock breaks off as you fumble with it
(1230) Henry: good one
(1221) Herman:
(1221) Herman: I'll pay for that
(1253) Troy: So much for lawsuits, there, Herman.
(1221) Herman:'s BOURBON....
(1230) Henry: let's check the door over there
** (1221) Herman sighs **
(1253) Troy: Thank you, Henry.
** (1253) Troy grabs the candlestick from the table and lights it in the fire. **
(1255) GM: The door is closed
(1221) Herman: Fine....make sure there's no guns...although I'm sure noone with a nice bottle of bourbon would be that uncivil
(1253) Troy: C'mon guys.
(1221) Herman: Troy, wanna look for a lightswitch?
** (1253) Troy tries the door. **
** (1230) Henry throws his shoulder against it **
(1255) GM: it opens easily
(1253) Troy: Henry, get off the floor.
(1221) Herman: (hehehe)
** (1253) Troy points the candle into the room and looks around **
(1230) Henry: hey shag carpeting!
** (1221) Herman steps over Henry **
(1253) Troy: This place is truely retro.
** (1230) Henry walks past the drunk fool **
(1255) GM: the door opens into a kitchen. There is a window on the north wall, a door to the east and 2 doors to the south. You also notice the double doors from the hallway lead into here.
(1230) Henry: check the fridge
(1255) GM: The kitchen has the normal stuff...fridge, cabinets, counter, sink, oven
** (1230) Henry checks the fridge **
(1221) Herman: retro, but I wish my kitchen were this big....maybe my wife would fianlly cook a decent meal
** (1253) Troy starts opening some cabinets curiously. **
whispering to Henry, You open the fridge and see teh normal stuff, milk, eggs, etc, and also some left overs in plates othat are covered up
(1221) Herman: I thought we were looking for a gun cabinet...not a handout
(1255) GM: In the cabinets are plates, cups, etc. There are drawers as well
(1253) Troy: You never know where people like these put guns.
(1230) Henry: I wonder what they ate last night
** (1253) Troy starts pulling open drawers **
(1221) Herman: Oh stop it....c'mon, there's got to be a huntin' room or some other hick like room here...
(1230) Henry: hmm, vittles
(1255) GM: You find some of the normal utensils, but also some butcher knives
(1253) Troy: Alright Herman. *hands him the candle* lead the way.
whispering to Henry, what exactly are you doing?
** (1253) Troy picks up a big knife **
(1253) Troy: I'll be alright with this.
(1221) Herman: Thank you
** (1230) Henry grabs a knife and tucks it into his belt **
(1221) Herman: Sure thing, Indiana...
whispering to Henry, nothing more in the fridge?
(1221) Herman: (follow the red arrows)
** (1253) Troy follows Herman's red arrows. **
** (1230) Henry grabs a chicken leg and follows the others **
(1255) GM: hold on
(1255) GM: henry roll for san check
(1221) Herman: (that's some bad chicken there Hank :))
(1253) Troy: Explain what to do...I can't totally remember...
(1255) GM: roll d100, want to get below your san
(1255) GM: (right?)
(1230) Henry: [1d100] -> [55] = (55)
(1221) Herman: (yeah)
(1230) Henry: I'm 55
(1255) GM: you made it
(1230) Henry: for san that is
(1230) Henry: yippee
whispering to Henry, Opening up one of the covered dishes, you discover a severed bloody human hand!!!!!! lose 2 san
(1255) GM: you hear henry scream
** (1221) Herman spins around **
(1230) Henry: ahhh, holy shit!!!
(1221) Herman: What now?
(1253) Troy: What the hell is going on there Henry?
(1230) Henry: body parts man
(1253) Troy: Whaaat?
(1221) Herman: Where?
(1230) Henry: a fucking hand on the plate
(1221) Herman: WHERE?
(1230) Henry: in the fridge asshole
** (1253) Troy looks at what Henry is pointing to **
** (1221) Herman takes a look **
(1255) GM: Henry points to a severed bloody human hand, now on the floor next to the dish it was once on
(1255) GM: Troy & Herman, roll SAN
(1221) Herman: [1d100] -> [16] = (16)
(1253) Troy: [1d100] -> [57] = (57)
(1253) Troy: yup
(1255) GM: 1d3
(1255) GM: [1d6] -> [2] = (2)
(1221) Herman: I won't be losing my lunch
(1255) GM: [1d6] -> [2] = (2)
(1253) Troy: oh
(1255) GM: each lose 2 san
(1253) Troy: [1d6] -> [2] = (2)
(1221) Herman: Dear.....God.....
(1253) Troy: Holy dammit!
(1230) Henry: all the houses in the world and we find Mason's childhood house
** (1230) Henry grabs another knife **
(1253) Troy: *gripping the knife tighter* let's get to that gun cabinet, Herman...
(1221) Herman: yeah.....Maybe there's a phone in here, too
(1255) GM: still going thru the door to the south?
(1221) Herman: GM: yep
(1255) GM: The door leads you to a pantry. It contains canned and boxed foods (normal ones). You also notice some packs of matches, cloth napkins and linens, and a first aid kit.
(1253) Troy: I don't see guns, buddy
whispering to Troy, roll spot hidden
(1253) Troy: [1d100] -> [18] = (18)
(1221) Herman: Christ, one out of like 50 doors, what do you want from me?
whispering to Troy, out of the corner of your eye you think you see movement in the window to the north, but aren't sure. looking again, you don't see anything
(1230) Henry: let's keep looking
(1253) Troy: Huh....oh, well, I expect better performance from my CTO.
(1221) Herman: Oh shut up, Troy....Cannibals and plane wrecks aren't in my fucking job description
(1221) Herman: (follow the red arrow)
(1255) GM: You go into the other southern door and it takes you into a garage.
(1255) GM: In the middle of the garage is a parked Ford Explorer.
(1253) Troy: You're supposed to be able to think on your feet, for Christ's sake. And now we're in a garage...lotsa guns here.
(1255) GM: On the west wall is a workbench.
(1221) Herman: I swear to God....keep it up and you'll be joining the hand in the fridge
(1255) GM: The garage door, closed, is at the south.
** (1221) Herman looks inside the car..... **
(1230) Henry: both of you shut up
(1253) Troy: You watch yourself, too, Henry.
(1255) GM: The car is unlocked, and spotlessly clean. It looks fairly new and unused.
whispering to Henry, roll spot hidden
** (1253) Troy walks over to the work bench **
(1221) Herman: Well, if we want to add autotheft to our rapsheet....
(1230) Henry: [1d100] -> [1] = (1)
(1221) Herman: 'course, we'd have to get it started
(1255) GM: On the workbench is a hammer, saw, a few screw drivers, a shovel and a chainsaw
(1253) Troy: Let's not worry about that now.
** (1253) Troy picks up the chainsaw. **
(1230) Henry: we need keys
(1253) Troy: Ooooooooh
whispering to Henry, good job! you notice the milage is about 500 miles and it has a full tank of gas, but no keys
(1255) GM: ok troy
(1221) Herman: Oh please....c'mon, there's got to be more around here....
whispering to Herman, did you ever pick up a weapon
whispering to Troy, you have a base of 30% to hit with the chainsaw...remember that
(1221) Herman (whispering): naw....I'm a runner and screamer...not a fighter :)
whispering to Herman, lmao
(1230) Henry: the car's new but I can't find keys
(1255) GM: (brb everyone)
** (1253) Troy like a kid in a candy store, tries to start up the chainsaw **
(1221) Herman: Oh knock it off
(1221) Herman: OOC: oooo....pee break!
(1255) GM: (back. sorry, thought i heard my daughter crying. and i had to pee :))
(1255) GM: Troy-> the chainsaw starts up with a manly sound.
whispering to Troy, spot hidden
(1253) Troy: [1d100] -> [17] = (17)
(1253) Troy: YEAH BABY
whispering to Troy, you notice the gas in the chainsaw is half full...probably last about half hour of continuous use
** (1253) Troy turns it off **
(1230) Henry: right on, Troy
(1253) Troy: This might come in handy later on...
whispering to Henry, car is unlocked too...didn't see me telling you that
(1253) Troy: OOC: btw, where is Herman? Was he in the car?
(1255) GM: OOC:no, just looking into it
(1230) Henry: hey guys the car is unlocked, but I can't see a key
(1221) Herman: OOC: I was checking the car out...don't know if I actually got in it
(1253) Troy: If it's unlocked, you don't need a key. Open it.
(1221) Herman: Starting the engine is what I was worried about
(1255) GM: yep, no key in site
(1230) Henry: me too
** (1230) Henry sits in the drivers seat **
(1253) Troy: Ah well. Should we go back intot he house, or what? No use sitting in the car.
(1255) GM: Nice plush leather seats
(1221) Herman: Yeah, maybe there's a phoen around here somewhere
(1255) GM: with one of those bead things for your back
whispering to Herman, don't see any phone
(1221) Herman: Weird to think someone out here in the middle of knowwhere has such a nice car
(1230) Henry: I know, maybe it's their company car
(1221) Herman (whispering): DeNile ain't just a river in Egypt :)
(1253) Troy: I would say 'I don't even have a car like this', but mine is way better.
(1221) Herman: Exactly
(1253) Troy: Anyway, Herman, you have the light, lead the way.
(1221) Herman: Let's go on in, this house may have more surprises for us...
(1221) Herman: like a way out
(1221) Herman: (and you break left for the hail mary.....)
whispering to Troy, Herman, roll listen
(1221) Herman: (sorry, couldn't resist)
(1221) Herman: [1d100] -> [80] = (80)
(1253) Troy: [1d100] -> [83] = (83)
(1221) Herman (whispering): what?
(1253) Troy: noooo
(1230) Henry: what is it?
whispering to Troy, Herman, dont hear anything
whispering to Henry, roll listen
(1253) Troy: It's a chainsaw, Henry, get with it. Let's go.
(1230) Henry: [1d100] -> [95] = (95)
whispering to Henry, :) nothing
(1230) Henry: I don't hear a thing
(1255) GM: who is leading the way?
(1221) Herman: well duh....c'mon
(1253) Troy: Herman
** (1230) Henry follows **
(1221) Herman: Lucky me :)
(1255) GM: everyone following?
** (1253) Troy with chainsaw, follows Henry **
(1255) GM: You all follow Herman, who leads you back thru the kitchen into the hallway, to the first door you come to.
(1255) GM: It leads you into a coat closet.
(1221) Herman: hehehehahahahahah
(1221) Herman: (yes, that's in character)
(1255) GM: There are 4 coats in here, and a box in the floor.
(1221) Herman: I'm apparently no good at this
(1253) Troy: No shit. What's in the box? Or do I want to know?
** (1221) Herman hands the candle to whoever wants it **
whispering to Troy, while you went thru the kitchen you glanced out the window, but didn't see anything
** (1253) Troy grabs it **
(1253) Troy: Give me that thing
** (1253) Troy opens the box **
(1255) GM: in the box you find a maglite, a pair of muddy hiking boots and a pair of heavy leather work gloves
** (1230) Henry holds the chainsaw **
(1230) Henry: some get the flashlight
(1253) Troy: Nothing important. Henry, give me the chainsaw and YOU try your luck with the candle.
(1221) Herman: I'll get it....
whispering to Henry, roll listen again
(1230) Henry: [1d100] -> [91] = (91)
** (1221) Herman snags the flashlight, checks for a battery **
whispering to Henry, you hear the sweet sound of silence
(1255) GM: teh flashligh cast good batteries and is in working order
(1230) Henry: it's really quiet out here guys
(1253) Troy: Alright, one of you get us to someplace that would benefit the group.
** (1221) Herman checks the weight... **
(1221) Herman: makes a good beat stick, too
(1255) GM: of what?
(1255) GM: oh, sorry. its pretty heavy.
(1255) GM: about 4 or 5 lbs
** (1230) Henry found the F5 macro key **
(1221) Herman: goodie :)
** (1255) GM found the F5 macro key **
(1255) GM: :)
(1221) Herman: heh
(1221) Herman: Alright, well, unless you want to find the laundry room, I suggest someone else gets in front
(1230) Henry: I'll do it
(1230) Henry: gimme the flash
(1230) Henry: light
(1221) Herman: Hey, you got the knives...let me have this, use the candle
(1230) Henry: fine
whispering to Troy, roll listen
(1253) Troy: [1d100] -> [74] = (74)
(1221) Herman: Or at least give me the worked for Col. Mustard
whispering to Troy, nothing
whispering to Herman, roll listen
** (1230) Henry leads everyone to the middle door on the left **
(1221) Herman: [1d100] -> [57] = (57)
(1221) Herman (whispering): 'fraid not
whispering to Herman, nithing
(1253) Troy: You gonna open that, Henry, or are we gonna stand here?
** (1230) Henry pulls out a knife and tries the knob **
(1255) GM: it open, and reveals stairs going down
(1221) Herman: better start stabbing those stairs, Hank
(1230) Henry: someone else wanna lead?
(1230) Henry: shut Herman
(1253) Troy: I guess it's my turn.
(1230) Henry: *up
(1253) Troy: Herman, shine the flashlight over my shoulder.
** (1253) Troy starts down the stairs slowly. **
** (1221) Herman does just that **
** (1253) Troy holds the chainsaw in front of him as he does so. **
** (1230) Henry follows **
(1230) Henry: *knife still in hand
(1221) Herman: Remind me to set up a "buy lights for cannibals" fund when we get back to work
(1255) GM: you look down the stairs and see it leads to a basement, but cannot see anything else for the moment
(1255) GM: (scroll down to see the room on the map)
** (1253) Troy continues down the stairs **
(1230) Henry: you'll have lots of free time afer you're laid off from the merger Herman
(1255) GM: You reach the bottom of the stairs and see the basement. Piles of old junk seem to be littered everywhere.
(1255) GM: Old chairs, boxes, tables, etc are everywhere and dust covered
** (1253) Troy , step by step, walks a little further in **
(1221) Herman: Not even a frickin' do these people do it?
(1255) GM: The north, south and west walls are made of concrete. The east is brick.
(1230) Henry: very carefully
(1221) Herman: I'd say they must hand deliever all their messages, but I think that's in poor taste
(1255) GM: roll spot hidden everyone
(1253) Troy: [1d100] -> [31] = (31)
(1221) Herman: [1d100] -> [84] = (84)
(1230) Henry: [1d100] -> [78] = (78)
(1253) Troy: yeehaw
(1221) Herman: nope, too busy with my bad jokes
whispering to Troy, the dimensions of the room don't seem to fit the house
whispering to Henry, Herman, dont notice anything
(1253) Troy: That's weird, the dimensions of this room don't seem to fit the house.
(1221) Herman: What the hell are you talking about?
(1230) Henry: any doors?
(1255) GM: no doors
(1253) Troy: Look at the walls...they don't line up with any of the walls upstairs...
whispering to Troy, the east wall looks as if its shorter than the length of the house upstairs
(1221) Herman: I told you not to read that Danielewski book,'s messed with your head
(1253) Troy: The brick wall looks as if it's shorter than the length of the house upstairs, you twit.
(1221) Herman (whispering): does it look like that to me now?
whispering to Herman, yes
(1221) Herman: Well, um, yeah, I suppose...
(1255) GM: you can all tell know that something is not right with the dimensions of the room
(1255) GM: roll spot hidden again
(1253) Troy: [1d100] -> [92] = (92)
(1230) Henry: [1d100] -> [47] = (47)
(1221) Herman: It's an old house...probably had to be rebuilt or something
(1221) Herman: [1d100] -> [57] = (57)
(1253) Troy: ((darn your soul!))
(1255) GM: its dark in here
(1253) Troy: It sure is dark in here. Herman, some flashlight action on that brick wall, please?
(1221) Herman: Look at the brick...probably new...old house burnt down or something...
** (1221) Herman shines the light to the east (?) **
(1221) Herman: it's just a weird illusion
(1230) Henry: why is only one wall made of brick?
(1255) GM: The bricks in the wall are lined up perfectly, not overlapping as teh usually are.
(1255) GM: (ie like the grid above)
(1253) Troy: Look how they're lined up...that's weird...
(1221) Herman: Well, they're not masons...
whispering to Troy, roll listen
** (1230) Henry walks along the wall feeling for air currents **
(1253) Troy: [1d100] -> [68] = (68)
(1221) Herman: My guess is....old foundatoin broke down, so they built this one...and did a really crappy job
(1255) GM: don't feel anyt
(1255) GM: hing
(1253) Troy: I bet you could just push that wall down...
(1221) Herman: make sure I don't hire this contractor
(1255) GM: roll listen
(1221) Herman: Right, you do that
(1253) Troy: [1d100] -> [25] = (25)
(1230) Henry: [1d100] -> [3] = (3)
(1221) Herman: [1d100] -> [10] = (10)
(1255) GM: damn. you all think you hear creaks in the if someone was walking above
(1221) Herman: crap.....did you close the door behind you?
(1253) Troy: I was in front...
(1221) Herman: well who was behind?
(1230) Henry: me
(1221) Herman: and?
** (1221) Herman switches off the flashlight **
(1230) Henry: I left it closed just like we found it
** (1221) Herman whispers **
(1221) Herman: good
(1221) Herman: now what the hell are we going to do?
(1221) Herman: I'm NOT gonna be breakfast
(1230) Henry: let's everyone be quiet and wait
(1253) Troy: Good thinking, Henry.
(1255) GM: you all hear small footsteps stop at the top of the stairs
(1253) Troy: *whispers* ohhhh damn
(1221) Herman: squee
(1255) GM: slowly, the steps begin to come down the stairs
** (1221) Herman wonders if he can hide under the stairs **
** (1253) Troy blows out Henry's candle **
whispering to Herman, roll hide
(1221) Herman: [1d100] -> [92] = (92)
(1253) Troy: *whispers quietly* there was some junk over there, let's get behind it
(1255) GM: herman tries to hide under the stairs but trips over and falls
(1221) Herman: (dang blastit)
** (1230) Henry gets behind some junk **
(1253) Troy: Herman....where are you??
(1255) GM: the steps reach the bottom of the some faint light you can see two glowing green eyes
(1255) GM: everyone roll SAN
** (1221) Herman rolls on his back, holding the flashlight defensivly **
(1253) Troy: [1d100] -> [98] = (98)
(1230) Henry: [1d100] -> [56] = (56)
(1255) GM: DOH!
(1253) Troy: yikes
(1221) Herman: [1d100] -> [63] = (63)
(1255) GM: who made it?
(1255) GM: troy lose [1d12] -> [12] = (12)
(1221) Herman: I did...right on the nubmers
(1230) Henry: I',m 53
(1253) Troy: ((oh damn)
(1221) Herman: numbers, too
(1255) GM: henry lose [1d6] -> [4] = (4)
(1255) GM: herman lose [1d2] -> [2] = (2)
(1255) GM: you all realize that the two glowing eyes belong to a cute furry woodland racoon
(1221) Herman: (well, looks like we'll have a job opening soon)
(1255) GM: he nibbles at his paws
(1221) Herman: oh jesus Christ
(1253) Troy: GOOD LORD
** (1253) Troy starts up the chainsaw **
(1253) Troy: little son of a bitch...
** (1221) Herman stands up **
(1230) Henry: they carry rabies, stand back
(1221) Herman: Troy knock it off
** (1230) Henry stands up too **
(1221) Herman: Does he look rabid to you?
(1221) Herman: Settle down...sheesh
(1253) Troy: That little bastard scared the shit out of me!
(1221) Herman: no kidding...
(1230) Henry: they carry, meaning they don't show simptoms asswad
** (1253) Troy reluctantly turns off the chainsaw **
(1221) Herman: wish you still had those Tums...
(1221) Herman: Well how the hell am I supposed to know that?
(1230) Henry: me too
** (1253) Troy looks around for something to throw at the little monster **
whispering to Troy, roll idea
(1221) Herman: Let's get back upstairs....although...I'm curious on how this thing got in here...
(1253) Troy: [1d100] -> [91] = (91)
(1230) Henry: well who left the front door open?
(1253) Troy: That would be you, Henry. Ass.
whispering to Troy, you know feel the urge to keep a hold of the matter what it takes
(1221) Herman: Usually I blame my secretary...
(1230) Henry: I came in second
(1221) Herman: Lets get up there and close it
(1253) Troy: Then that makes Herman an even bigger ass.
(1221) Herman: litlte varmit....shoo
whispering to Troy, ie _NO ONE_ will ever take it away from you
(1253) Troy: Back up the stairs, this celler is creeping me out.
(1230) Henry: same here
(1221) Herman: No half a mind to bring the species to extinction
(1255) GM: everyone going upstairs?
** (1221) Herman begins walking back upstairs, flashlight on **
(1253) Troy: Yeah, except you wouldn't let me.
** (1253) Troy follows Herman, with Henry behind him (James = piss break) **
(1221) Herman: (I believe so)
(1255) GM: ok on break
(1221) Herman: Well, as much as I hate the thing...a chainsaw isn't the proper way to do it
(1255) GM: let me know when everyone is back
(1253) Troy: go ahead
(1230) Henry: here
(1221) Herman: front
(1255) GM: ok. you reach the top of the stairs and notice the front door is still open
(1253) Troy: middle
(1230) Henry: herman go close it
** (1221) Herman goes to shut it **
(1255) GM: you shut it with no problem
(1221) Herman: Sorry guys...ya know...we were in a PLANE WRECK, so I probably wasn't thinking straight
(1253) Troy: Okay, where to now, fellas?
(1230) Henry: back to the fire
(1221) Herman: We've got one room left...then we leave...
(1253) Troy: Sounds good.
(1255) GM: (actually 2)
(1255) GM: (another one in the kitchen you never went into)
(1221) Herman: (oh yeah...woops)
(1253) Troy: Let's go with that first door on the left
(1230) Henry: sure
(1255) GM: you're all at teh blue x. let me know where you're going w/ the red
(1255) GM: you open the door and reveal another set of stairs leading up
(1221) Herman: well...there goes that two room theory
(1253) Troy: Oh, great.
(1230) Henry: hey a duplex
(1253) Troy: Herman, lead the way, my friend.
(1221) Herman: Well, we saw that from teh outside...I was just hoping it was an illusion
(1221) Herman: Oh, now I'm your friend, am I?
** (1221) Herman grumbles **
** (1221) Herman heads on up **
(1253) Troy: When you're shielding me from harm, you are.
** (1253) Troy follows **
** (1230) Henry leads up the rear knife in hand **
(1255) GM: you all head up the stairs, the flashlight illuminating your way
(1221) Herman: Sure...put the tubby bitch in front...
(1255) GM: (map below the basement one)
(1255) GM: when you reach the top of the stairs you see a long hallway, with three doors to the north
(1253) Troy: We can each take a door and get this over with...
(1221) Herman: good idea
(1230) Henry: I'll take the middle
(1253) Troy: I'll get the first one.
** (1253) Troy pats the chainsaw **
(1255) GM: (make my life harder :) )
(1255) GM: (ok one at a time...i'm gonna whisper to each of you...troy first)
(1221) Herman: Troy, we need to talk after this miess
(1253) Troy: that's right, beeotches
whispering to Troy, you enter a bedroom and find it in shambles. womans clothing is all over the place, on the floor, etc.
(1253) Troy (whispering): I'll look around a little closer
whispering to Troy, in the room is a closet to the west a bed and a dresser...roll idea
(1253) Troy: [1d100] -> [87] = (87)
whispering to Henry, you enter a bathroom, with doors leding to the west and east. there is a toliet, mirror/medicing cabinet, and bath/shower
(1253) Troy (whispering): looks like I'll just be opening the closet
whispering to Herman, you enter a bedroom, which looks like it hasn't been used in a long time
(1230) Henry: is there a shower curtain?
whispering to Herman, there is a night stand next to a bed, and a bookshelf
whispering to Troy, the closet contains womans clothing..roll spot hidden
whispering to Henry, yes, but its pulled back
(1253) Troy: [1d100] -> [92] = (92)
(1221) Herman (whispering): I'll check the nightstand for car keys
(1253) Troy (whispering): the dice engine on this thing sucks
whispering to Herman, no keys, but you find a book with a book mark on it
(1230) Henry (whispering): so I can see the tub?
whispering to Troy, sorry. :)
whispering to Henry, yes. there's a little mildew. but nothing else
(1221) Herman (whispering): against my better judgement......but yeah, what's the book, and where's the bookmark
whispering to Troy, roll intelligence x 5
(1253) Troy: [1d100] -> [84] = (84)
(1230) Henry (whispering): I'm gonna open the door to the west
(1253) Troy (whispering): no yet again. Can I look under the bed?
whispering to Henry, it leads into a bedroom that is in see troy in a closet in there (you two may talk(
whispering to Troy, henry walks in
whispering to Herman, ok, the book is unnamed but the book mark opens up to a passage that talks graphically about human sacrifice and how to properly prepare a body for a ceremony
whispering to Herman, roll san
whispering to Troy, yes, you dont see anything under the bed
whispering to Henry, roll int x 5
(1221) Herman: [1d100] -> [99] = (99)
(1221) Herman: yipes!
(1230) Henry (whispering): I'm gonna check the closet in Troy's room
whispering to Herman, lose [1d6] -> [4] = (4) san
whispering to Herman, the bookmark says "10 down and 5 to the left then 5 up and 10 to the right"
(1221) Herman (whispering): well, this is certainly kindling for the fire
whispering to Herman, the book talks about the ceremony is for bringing "He Who Sleeps"
whispering to Henry, roll spot hidden
(1230) Henry: [1d100] -> [57] = (57)
(1230) Henry: that's for the intelligence, which is 80
(1221) Herman (whispering): hmmm....I'll take a looksee at the bookshelf
whispering to Henry, ok it looks like there was a struggle in here, which caused the mess
whispering to Henry, tell me if you go anywhere in the room ....there is a closet to the east
whispering to Henry, er west
whispering to Herman, the books are of various occultish titles...roll luck
(1230) Henry (whispering): I'll check the closet now
whispering to Henry, you see lots of womans clothing...roll spot hidden
(1221) Herman: [1d100] -> [42] = (42)
(1230) Henry: [1d100] -> [88] = (88)
(1221) Herman (whispering): yup
whispering to Herman, you pull one of the books off the shelf and it only comes halfway. on the east wall you hear a click and see a door swing open
whispering to Henry, nothing...roll again
whispering to Troy, roll spot hidden
(1221) Herman: neato!
(1230) Henry: [1d100] -> [41] = (41)
(1253) Troy: [1d100] -> [43] = (43)
(1230) Henry (whispering): got it
(1253) Troy (whispering): damnit!
whispering to Henry, you notice a loose board at the bottom of the closet
whispering to Herman, what are you doing?
(1255) GM: who has the flashlight?
(1253) Troy: herman
(1221) Herman: me
(1230) Henry (whispering): I'm calling Troy to help
(1255) GM: who has the candle?
(1253) Troy: henry
(1221) Herman: Prof. Plum...
(1221) Herman: (sorry)
(1255) GM: ok :)
(1253) Troy (whispering): goes to the closet with Henry
whispering to Troy, Henry, you both see a book, which looks like a diary
** (1221) Herman shouts out to the hallway "Neet, you guys should check this out!" **
(1253) Troy (whispering): I will pick it up and look through it
whispering to Troy, tell henry that too
** (1230) Henry what is it? **
** (1221) Herman looks around at the new room **
(1253) Troy (whispering): told him...what does it say?
whispering to Troy, hold on
whispering to Herman, hold on a sec
(1253) Troy (whispering): Henry, why don't you go and see what that boob wants?
whispering to Troy, Henry, The diary tells a story of a woman, named Julie Stone, who was brought to the house to be the assistant of a man named Mortimer Hardon, a reclusive horror novelist. At first everything was good, but eventually she began to notice that something was terribly wrong. Mortimer seemed to disappear sometimes at night and strange noises could be heard from the basement. Eventually, she confronted him on this and he denied anything out of the ordinary. One night, Julie sneaked into the basement when she heard the strange noises. She could not find Mortimer in the basement, but could hear noises coming from behind the east wall. She could not, however, figure out how to get beyond that wall. The last entry, dated yesterday, says:
** (1230) Henry walks down the hall to where Herman is **
(1255) GM: "I overheard Mortimer talking on his cell phone tonight to someone, talking about a ceremony. He said that all was ready and that the sacrifice would be in order. I fear the worst."
whispering to Herman, the new room contains a table, chair and unlit candle
** (1253) Troy leaves the room, diary in hand, to join Henry and Herman **
whispering to Henry, you see a new door opened in a bedroom (where herman went)
(1255) GM: ok, you're all together now :)
(1230) Henry: yesh
(1253) Troy: What's up, guys?
(1221) Herman: Got one of those secret rooms in here
(1221) Herman: trigger in the bookshelf and everything
(1255) GM: troy,henry-> you are in another bedroom. there is a bookshelf on the wall and a table next to a bed. herman is in another room to the ear
(1255) GM: east
(1230) Henry: phat, what's in it?
(1253) Troy: Did you go in yet?
** (1221) Herman grabs the candle **
whispering to Troy, when you want to tell whats in the diary, let me know
(1221) Herman: heres for the guy without light
(1253) Troy (whispering): I've kinda forgotten about the diary for now
(1255) GM: you all notice that the new room contains a table, chair and candle (which herman just handed to someone)
(1255) GM: on the table is also a set of keys, a gun, and a book
(1221) Herman: now that's more like it
(1253) Troy: Well Herman, there's your gun
(1221) Herman: grabs the keys
(1255) GM: er letter, not book
(1255) GM: the gun is a glock 17 revolver
** (1230) Henry picks up the letter **
(1253) Troy: What's it say, Henry?
(1255) GM: The letter is addressed to "my fellow brothers" and describes a ceremony that can be used to summon "the Almighty one"
(1255) GM: troy/henry - san checks please
(1253) Troy: [1d100] -> [50] = (50)
(1230) Henry: [1d100] -> [79] = (79)
whispering to Herman, the ceremony is the same one you read about in the book
(1253) Troy: ((missed by 4))
(1255) GM: troy loses [1d4] -> [1] = (1)
(1221) Herman: nothing new....
** (1221) Herman holds up book **
(1255) GM: henry loses [1d2] -> [2] = (2)
(1221) Herman: this thing's chock full of that crap
(1255) GM: the ceremony describes, in grusome detail, the sacrifice of a woman
(1253) Troy: Good Lord.
** (1253) Troy looks at the diary, which he is now holding in front of his face. **
(1221) Herman: Here guys, check this out, though....look at this bookmark...what do you think that means?
** (1221) Herman holds out the bookmark **
(1221) Herman: (I don't remember what it says exactly)
(1255) GM: the bookmark says "10 down and 5 to the left then 5 up and 10 to the right"
** (1253) Troy flips open the diary (Tyler, take it from here) **
(1255) GM: The diary tells a story of a woman, named Julie Stone, who was brought to the house to be the assistant of a man named Mortimer Hardon, a reclusive horror novelist. At first everything was good, but eventually she began to notice that something was terribly wrong. Mortimer seemed to disappear sometimes at night and strange noises could be heard from the basement. Eventually, she confronted him on this and he denied anything out of the ordinary. One night, Julie sneaked into the basement when she heard the strange noises. She could not find Mortimer in the basement, but could hear noises coming from behind the east wall. She could not, however, figure out how to get beyond that wall. The last entry, dated yesterday, says:
(1255) GM: "I overheard Mortimer talking on his cell phone tonight to someone, talking about a ceremony. He said that all was ready and that the sacrifice would be in order. I fear the worst."
(1255) GM: everyone let me know when they are ready
(1253) Troy: Those numbers have to have something to do with that brick wall!
whispering to Troy, gain 3 san
(1221) Herman: Oh for the love of.....Steven King's gonna sacrifice that poor woman
(1230) Henry: let's get the fuck outta here
(1253) Troy: We're going back downstairs, fellas.
(1230) Henry: I like my idea better
(1253) Troy: Herman?
(1221) Herman: You're asking me to be a hero or a coward?
(1253) Troy: I'm asking if you're coming along...
(1221) Herman: You know, I always thought this answer would be easy to come up with...
(1230) Henry: fuck it, I'll come
(1253) Troy: You have a gun, for Christ's sake.
(1221) Herman: okay, fine, let's see if the numbers are for the wall...if not, we're out of here
(1255) GM: (need another mountain dew...brb)
(1253) Troy: Agreed.
(1221) Herman: I've never fired one of these things before
(1221) Herman: Nor have I ever killed can understand my aprehension
(1253) Troy: Just pull the trigger
(1221) Herman: I'm not a chainsaw weilding maniac
(1253) Troy: Either am I.
(1255) GM: (back)
** (1253) Troy heads for the stairs. **
(1230) Henry: well it's not hard to stab someone
(1255) GM: (all of you have at least a 20% handgun btw)
(1253) Troy: Remember to keep that flashlight over my shoulder, Herman.
** (1230) Henry follows **
** (1221) Herman shighs **
(1221) Herman: yeah
(1255) GM: (did anyone grab the keys?)
(1221) Herman: (I got 'em)
** (1253) Troy walks down the stairs and to the door that leads to the basement **
** (1230) Henry is behind him **
(1255) GM: are you going down the basement?
(1253) Troy: *pauses* Everyone ready?
(1230) Henry: damn yes
(1253) Troy: Herman?
(1221) Herman: as I'll ever be
(1255) GM: ok, you all reach the basement. what aare you going to do?
(1253) Troy: Go downstairs
(1253) Troy: Then go to the east wall
(1255) GM: who has the gun?
(1221) Herman: The bookmark doesn't give us a starting point....
(1253) Troy: herman
(1221) Herman: man...I get all the neet stuff, don't I
(1253) Troy: Start at the lower left hand corner, that seems good.
whispering to Henry, roll spot hidden
(1253) Troy: ((what's the bookmark say again?))
(1230) Henry: [1d100] -> [83] = (83)
(1255) GM: 10 down and 5 to the left then 5 up and 10 to the right
whispering to Henry, nothing
(1221) Herman: vcan't really start from any of the edges with that....
(1253) Troy: Then lets start in the middle.
whispering to Henry, roll idea
(1221) Herman: there's gotta be some way to tell
** (1221) Herman scans the wall with his flashlight **
(1255) GM: herman just sees the perfectly lined bricks
(1221) Herman: crap
(1221) Herman: fine start with the middle...but I'm not kidding, if this doesn't work, I'm out of here
(1253) Troy: Give me that flashlight
(1221) Herman: k
whispering to Herman, roll idea
** (1221) Herman hands him the light **
(1221) Herman: why?
(1221) Herman: [1d100] -> [48] = (48)
(1253) Troy: ((hold on, James' openRPG isn't showing him what's going on....))
(1255) GM: ok
(1221) Herman (whispering): yup
(1230) Henry: got it
(1255) GM: hold on for a sec
(1253) Troy: I want to look at the wall, see what I can do
(1221) Herman: knock yourself out
** (1253) Troy looks at the wall for himself **
whispering to Herman, it looks like you should start in the upper left corner
whispering to Herman, er upper right
** (1230) Henry gets both knives ready **
** (1221) Herman begins tracing his hands on the wall....starting from the upper right **
(1221) Herman: 10 down....
(1221) Herman: does his best to follow the instructions
(1255) GM: what do you do when you get to that brick?
(1221) Herman: push it, I guess...or pull it....fiddle with it however
(1255) GM: click! as you push it the brick slides in about a half inch. you hear mechanical noises from behind the wall
(1221) Herman: crap, it worked
** (1221) Herman holds gun at what he thinks is "ready" **
** (1253) Troy puts his hand on the pull-cord for the chainsaw **
** (1230) Henry holds up both knives **
(1255) GM: nothing happens
(1255) GM: the noises stop after a few second
(1255) GM: s
(1221) Herman: I told you guys I'm not good at this
(1253) Troy: Wait...aren't there more instructions on the thing?
(1230) Henry: push it open
(1221) Herman: Knowing me we just opened the garage door....I'm out of here
(1253) Troy: Wait, where the hell are you going?
whispering to Troy, roll idea
(1221) Herman: Home...we've got keys...
(1253) Troy: [1d100] -> [49] = (49)
(1253) Troy (whispering): yes
(1221) Herman: I told you...if we can get through...I'm for it...but it didn't do anything...
whispering to Troy, the second set sounds like you should start at the lower left corner
** (1221) Herman sits on the bottom step of the stairs **
(1253) Troy: Wait, there's more instructions, so we'll try more bricks.
(1221) Herman: (my God, am I pouting?)
** (1253) Troy starts at the lower left hand corner **
(1255) GM: :)
(1221) Herman: more instructions?
(1253) Troy: 10 up, five to the right....
** (1253) Troy pushes **
(1255) GM: click! more mechinical noises sound and a door in the middle of the wall swings open
(1255) GM: you can see a bluish light emenate from behind the door
(1221) Herman: I told you I 'm no good at this
(1230) Henry: let's kick some satanic ass
** (1221) Herman stand besides his companions **
(1253) Troy: We....
** (1253) Troy looks inside, chainsaw at the ready **
(1255) GM: just troy?
** (1221) Herman holds out his gun in his shakey hand **
(1221) Herman: I guess this is it, guys
** (1230) Henry stands behind Troy, ready for action **
(1255) GM: everyone looks in, right?
(1221) Herman: yep
(1230) Henry: yesh
(1253) Troy: uh huh
(1255) GM: roll san checks
(1221) Herman: poo
(1221) Herman: [1d100] -> [40] = (40)
(1221) Herman: b;ast
(1230) Henry: [1d100] -> [5] = (5)
(1253) Troy: [1d100] -> [7] = (7)
(1255) GM: herman loses [1d15] -> [10] = (10)
(1221) Herman: wow, we've got this
(1255) GM: everyone else [1d6] -> [5] = (5)
(1255) GM: hold on a sec
whispering to Herman, how many are you down to?
(1221) Herman (whispering): 57, I should make it
whispering to Herman, ok, just wanted to make sure
whispering to Henry, how many san do you have now?
(1221) Herman (whispering): I'll go nuts if you want me to
whispering to Herman, not yet
(1230) Henry (whispering): 42
(1221) Herman (whispering): thanks for the "yet" :)
whispering to Henry, ok
(1230) Henry (whispering): am I supposed to tell everyone about the grafitti?
whispering to Henry, what graffiti?
(1255) GM: The door opens up into a room illuminated by bluish flames in two brass plates
** (1253) Troy walks in slowly with his chainsaw ready **
(1255) GM: In the corner of the room you see the bloody, discarded remains of what looks like a human
** (1230) Henry follows **
** (1221) Herman hopes to God that the reason his clothes are getting damper is from sweat **
** (1253) Troy holds his stomach, feeling queasy **
** (1221) Herman becomes a vegetarian **
(1255) GM: On a table in the middle of the room you see a closed book, bound in black leather.
(1230) Henry: The Necrocomicon!!
(1255) GM: A dark passage leads to the west.
** (1253) Troy Troy, keeping his eyes off the mess, goes to the book **
(1255) GM: everyone roll spot hidden
(1253) Troy: [1d100] -> [8] = (8)
(1230) Henry: [1d100] -> [56] = (56)
(1221) Herman: [1d100] -> [72] = (72)
whispering to Troy, you smell salty air coming from the pasage
(1255) GM: what do you do with the book?
(1253) Troy: I don't like the smell of that passage, guys
** (1253) Troy opens the book **
(1221) Herman: I don't like any of this!
** (1221) Herman sniffs the air **
(1253) Troy: Shhh...
** (1253) Troy begins leafing through the book **
(1255) GM: The book is a diary of one Mortimer Hardon.
(1221) Herman: (Oh My God! Martha Stwerart's Living! AHHHHH!)
** (1253) Troy reads it **
(1255) GM: It describes how he was an amateur horror writer, who stumbled across a book which described the way to summon a flying creature of great power.
(1253) Troy: That all?
(1255) GM: He became obsessed with the book and evetually learned that in order to summon the creature...
(1255) GM: he must sacrifice a woman on a night when "the stars were right".
(1255) GM: YOu get the feeling throughout his writings that he slowly went mad
(1230) Henry: are the stars right?
(1255) GM: roll listen
(1230) Henry: [1d100] -> [83] = (83)
(1253) Troy: [1d100] -> [81] = (81)
(1221) Herman: [1d100] -> [61] = (61)
(1255) GM: anyone make it?
** (1221) Herman shakes head **
(1230) Henry: nope
** (1253) Troy says no **
(1255) GM: ok
(1255) GM: you think you hear voices coming from the passage
(1221) Herman: Ya know we have to stop this lunatic.....and there's only w
(1255) GM: you can't quite make out what they are saying though
(1221) Herman: shh
(1253) Troy: Um...guys....should we check this out?
(1255) GM: roll listen again
(1230) Henry: sure
(1221) Herman: 1 male 1 female, I gather?
(1230) Henry: [1d100] -> [65] = (65)
(1221) Herman: [1d100] -> [80] = (80)
(1255) GM: can't tell how many
(1253) Troy: [1d100] -> [5] = (5)
(1255) GM: but more than 1 for sure
whispering to Troy, you hear a group chanting something like "Ia! Ia! Cthulhufhtagn!"
(1253) Troy: ((I made mine, btw))
** (1221) Herman checks the gun for ammo **
whispering to Troy, you hear a group chanting something like "Ia! Ia! Cthulhu fhtagn!"
whispering to Troy, (forgot the space)
(1253) Troy: Yeah, there's people down there...
(1253) Troy: Alright ready?
(1230) Henry: let's kill us some zombies
(1221) Herman: you watch too many movies
(1221) Herman: but yes, we have to do something...
(1221) Herman: unfortunatly
(1253) Troy: Alright, let's go.
(1230) Henry: hell yeah
** (1253) Troy leads the way down the passage, noting the crazy grafitti on the walls...hehe **
(1255) GM: :)
(1230) Henry: you guys ever see the movie DAGON?
** (1221) Herman starts muttering.."Our Father, who art in Heaven..." **
(1230) Henry: cuz this is a lot like it
(1255) GM: (that movie rocks!)
(1230) Henry: damn straight
(1221) Herman: (blast, havn't seen it yet)
(1230) Henry: ha ha
(1253) Troy: ((ANYWAY....))
(1255) GM: you head down the passage and you see an opening coming closer
(1255) GM: you can clearly hear the chanting now...
** (1253) Troy has his hand on the pull-cord of the chainsaw once again **
(1255) GM: louder and louder you hear "Ia! Ia! Cthulhu fhtagn!"
** (1230) Henry holds his blades like a ninja **
(1255) GM: When you reach the exit, you see it open up to a beach.
** (1221) Herman holds his gun like a sissy **
(1255) GM: In the center of a circle of torches are two people on their knees, chanting.
(1253) Troy: What the...?
(1255) GM: In the middle is a man in black robes holding a knife to the sky, chanting to you as well
(1255) GM: er, chanting as well
** (1253) Troy looks around for the girl in the diary **
(1255) GM: In front of him is a table, with a woman in red silk robes on it, unconcious.
(1221) Herman: craaaaap
** (1253) Troy yells to them **
(1253) Troy: HEY!
(1255) GM: They all have their bcks to you and don't seem to nitice
(1230) Henry: FREEZE SHITHEAD!!
** (1221) Herman fires his gun into the air **
(1255) GM: er, they didn't until you yelled!
(1255) GM: The man in black robes spins around, sees you and is somewhat startled.
** (1221) Herman points the gun at him **
(1255) GM: He snarles at you and points at you.
(1221) Herman: Stop it right there, Koontz
(1230) Henry: sup dillweed?
(1221) Herman: thins thing has more firepower than your finger
(1255) GM: The two men on their knees get up and turn to face, you, each holding a knife.
** (1253) Troy starts up the chainsaw **
(1221) Herman: Stop RIGHT THERE!
(1253) Troy: Hail to the king, baby!
(1221) Herman: NOW!
(1221) Herman: (it had to be said, didn't it?)
(1230) Henry: not really
(1253) Troy: ((of course))
(1255) GM: The man laughs, says something you can't here, and turns around, continuing to chant.
(1255) GM: The two men run at you.
(1230) Henry: shoot him in the head
** (1253) Troy walks towards him, braindishing the chainsaw **
(1221) Herman: awwww....crap....
(1255) GM: ok, what is everyone going to do?
** (1253) Troy goes for the one on the left, trusting Herman will take care of the other one **
(1221) Herman: shoot at whoever is trying to kill me
(1255) GM: i'm going to let youguys go first, to make init easy
(1230) Henry: everyone take a man and kill his ass
(1253) Troy: I got the one on the left
(1230) Henry: I got the one on the right
(1255) GM: herman?
(1221) Herman: than I got the man in black
(1255) GM: herman has the gun?
(1221) Herman: 'course, I can't hit a broad side of a barn...but no worries
(1221) Herman: yep
whispering to Troy, you get +10% to hit w/ the chainsaw bc of your obsession
(1255) GM: ok, roll d100 everyone
(1221) Herman: knowing him, he'd probably close his eyes while firing too...what a wuss
(1253) Troy (whispering): that makes 40
(1253) Troy: [1d100] -> [61] = (61)
(1221) Herman: [1d100] -> [12] = (12)
(1230) Henry: [1d100] -> [45] = (45)
(1221) Herman: wow!
(1255) GM: hold on a sec
(1255) GM: herman fires the gun and hits the man square in the back. rold 1d10
(1221) Herman: [1d10] -> [6] = (6)
(1255) GM: henry lunges forward with his knife, but the attacker dodges it
(1230) Henry: damn it all
(1221) Herman: I'm probably just as surprised as he is
(1255) GM: troy luncges with the chainsaw, but misses
(1255) GM: the hit does not affect the man in black
(1253) Troy: :(
(1255) GM: [1d100] -> [66] = (66)
(1255) GM: [1d100] -> [11] = (11)
(1255) GM: the man attacking troy misses
(1255) GM: the man attacking henty hits doing [1d6] -> [1] = (1)
(1255) GM: damage
(1253) Troy: Okay, I want to attack again
(1255) GM: herman & henry?
** (1221) Herman runs up to the man in black, placing barrel of the gun right on the head of the hack writer **
(1221) Herman: (I hope :))
(1255) GM: you won't be able to shoot this round
** (1230) Henry slashes the other attacker **
(1221) Herman: k
(1255) GM: the same one or the one attacking troy
(1230) Henry: same one
(1255) GM: ok
(1255) GM: troy & henry..roll d100
(1253) Troy: [1d100] -> [39] = (39)
(1230) Henry: [1d100] -> [29] = (29)
(1253) Troy: got it
(1255) GM: troy hits - roll 2d8
(1253) Troy: [2d8] -> [2,5] = (7)
(1255) GM: henry hits...roll 1d6
(1230) Henry: [1d6] -> [4] = (4)
(1255) GM: The man hit with Troy's chainsaw gets slashed in the chest, blood spurting out.
(1255) GM: The attacker against Henry gets knifed in the arm.
(1255) GM: [1d100] -> [39] = (39)
(1255) GM: [1d100] -> [11] = (11)
(1255) GM: Henry gets hit for [1d6] -> [5] = (5)
(1255) GM: The man in black begins to glow a reddish color
** (1253) Troy turns and heads for him **
** (1230) Henry tries to throw sand in his attackers face **
** (1221) Herman reluctantly pulls the trigger **
(1221) Herman: (I hope)
(1255) GM: everyone roll 1d100
(1255) GM: except troy
(1230) Henry: [1d100] -> [52] = (52)
(1255) GM: can't reach in time
(1221) Herman: [1d100] -> [79] = (79)
(1221) Herman: poo
(1255) GM: both miss
(1255) GM: [1d100] -> [39] = (39)
(1255) GM: [1d100] -> [19] = (19)
(1255) GM: troy gets hit as he runs by his attacker for [1d6] -> [3] = (3)
(1255) GM: henry gets hit again for [1d4] -> [4] = (4)
(1230) Henry: then I'm dead
(1255) GM: the man in black ignores the attack against him and continues chanting
(1255) GM: what are you down to?
(1230) Henry: I want a big funeral, lots of flowers
(1221) Herman: hmm...job opening...
(1230) Henry: 0
(1255) GM: you're not dead, just unconcious
(1230) Henry: oh
(1255) GM: what is everyone doing
(1230) Henry: baby take nap now
** (1221) Herman pushes the girl off the alter **
(1221) Herman: (aren't I the gentlemen)
(1253) Troy: I'm gonna charge at the big dude with the CHAINSAW
(1255) GM: the man in black?
(1253) Troy: yeah
(1255) GM: troy roll 1d100, herman roll against str x 5
(1253) Troy: [2d100] -> [14,58] = (72)
(1255) GM: henry just lie there
(1221) Herman: [1d100] -> [24] = (24)
(1253) Troy: how can I miss with a damn chainsaw?
(1221) Herman: got it
(1255) GM: troy misses with the chainsaw, somehow :)
(1255) GM: herman pushes the girl off the altar. she falls to the sand
(1221) Herman: you just get his robe...he's actually quite skinny under there
(1255) GM: the man in black turns around finally, his face distorted in anguish
(1221) Herman: 'bout time i pissed him off
(1255) GM: the two men that were attacking henry turn to face troy and herman and charge
(1255) GM: whats everyone doing
(1253) Troy: I'm gonna make another lunge at the black guy
** (1221) Herman shoots the nearest guy **
(1253) Troy: Henry, stay where you are
(1221) Herman: (that isn't Troy)
whispering to Herman, down to 15 bullets...just noticed you can fire 3 per round...sorry
(1221) Herman: yeah, make sure that sand doesn't move
(1221) Herman (whispering): 'salright, Herman isn't exaclty proficient
(1230) Henry: yeah it's nice and comphy on the sand
(1255) GM: troy roll d100, herman roll d100...the nearest is the black robes guy right now
(1253) Troy: [2d100] -> [54,86] = (140)
whispering to Herman, you can fire up to 3 per round then
(1253) Troy: whoops
(1253) Troy: [1d100] -> [13] = (13)
(1253) Troy: YEAH
(1255) GM: just once :)
(1255) GM: roll 2d8 troy
(1221) Herman: [1d100] -> [89] = (89)
(1253) Troy: [1d8] -> [7] = (7)
(1253) Troy: [1d8] -> [2] = (2)
(1253) Troy: 9, right in ya ass, bitch!
(1255) GM: herman misses pathetically :) while troy hits him right in the leg
(1255) GM: [1d100] -> [61] = (61)
(1253) Troy: wouldn't I cut it off?
(1255) GM: [1d100] -> [28] = (28)
(1255) GM: henry gets hit for [1d6] -> [6] = (6) by one of the two men while one misses troy
(1255) GM: roll listen troy & henry
(1253) Troy: [1d100] -> [88] = (88)
(1255) GM: er herman, sorry
(1230) Henry: [1d100] -> [50] = (50)
(1221) Herman: [1d100] -> [90] = (90)
(1230) Henry: right the dead don't here
whispering to Henry, roll luch
(1221) Herman: nope
whispering to Henry, luck
(1255) GM: ok. what are you going to do?
(1221) Herman: Troy's got roby handled...I'll cap one of the minions
(1230) Henry: [1d100] -> [16] = (16)
(1230) Henry: my luck it 55
** (1221) Herman turns his gun sideways to look cool **
(1253) Troy: I'mma slap the chainsaw into the robed guy again
whispering to Henry, you made it. you are at 1 hp and are awake. no one notices this yet
(1255) GM: roll d100 herman & troy
(1253) Troy: [1d100] -> [67] = (67)
whispering to Henry, you can do something next round
(1221) Herman: [1d100] -> [87] = (87)
(1255) GM: you both miss
(1221) Herman: blasted dice...
(1230) Henry (whispering): slowly sneek over to the nearest minion and stab him in the nuts
(1255) GM: [1d100] -> [60] = (60)
(1255) GM: [1d100] -> [79] = (79)
(1255) GM: both of the men miss.
(1253) Troy: the chainsaw has gotta be stickin in his leg...HOW AM I MISSING?!
(1253) Troy: I'll go for the robed figure once again
(1255) GM: the man in black is glowing a deeper red, and is looking like he is in pain
whispering to Troy, you're also partially insane
(1221) Herman: cappity cap cap on a minion
(1253) Troy (whispering): eeeeexcellent
whispering to Henry, are you doing anything?
(1255) GM: troy/herman, roll d100
(1221) Herman: [1d100] -> [70] = (70)
(1230) Henry (whispering): yeah, slowly sneek over to the nearest minion and stab him in the nuts
(1221) Herman: dammit
(1221) Herman: [1d100] -> [34] = (34)
(1221) Herman: [1d100] -> [71] = (71)
(1221) Herman: I gets no lovin' ever
whispering to Henry, roll 1d6 for damage
(1253) Troy: [1d100] -> [17] = (17)
(1230) Henry: [1d6] -> [1] = (1)
(1230) Henry (whispering): the one who was chainsawed by Troy
(1255) GM: out of no where henry jumps at the attacker nearest troy and stabs him
(1221) Herman: well what do you know...there WAS a reason we brought you :)
(1255) GM: out of no where everyone here's a loud screech!
(1255) GM: roll san
(1230) Henry: [1d100] -> [63] = (63)
(1253) Troy: [1d100] -> [10] = (10)
(1253) Troy: yeehaw
(1221) Herman: [1d100] -> [55] = (55)
(1230) Henry: damnit
(1221) Herman: aw shit
(1255) GM: troy loses [1d4] -> [3] = (3) everyone else [1d6] -> [5] = (5)
(1253) Troy: what's goin on with my chainsaw?
whispering to Herman, you drop to the ground whimpering
(1253) Troy: I got a 17 on the attack roll
(1255) GM: its still running
(1255) GM: ok. it hit the black guy for [2d8] -> [6,5] = (11)
(1255) GM: sorry
(1253) Troy: damn straight. He dead yet?
** (1221) Herman flops onto the sand....hysterical **
(1255) GM: in the night sky you can see a black shape flying through the air, coming closer to you
** (1253) Troy pulls out the chainsaw as his eyes widen at the thing **
(1230) Henry: DUSTY GOT A NEW PLANE!!
(1221) Herman: Bats! Get it away from me!
(1255) GM: the two men that were attacking you fall to their knees, their hands over their eyes
(1255) GM: the man in red screams and stares up at the shape as it comes closer
(1230) Henry: stab them while they are down
** (1253) Troy waits on the thing **
(1255) GM: if you want to...troy are you going to do anything?
** (1221) Herman hides his head in the sand **
(1253) Troy: No, just stare
(1255) GM: ok. henry roll 1d100
(1230) Henry: [1d100] -> [17] = (17)
(1255) GM: roll 1d6
(1230) Henry: [1d6] -> [6] = (6)
(1230) Henry: yeeehawww
(1255) GM: the man you were attacking falls over dead
(1230) Henry: HELLS YEAH
(1255) GM: the shape comes closer. As it gets nearer to you, you see that it is huge, about the size of a large man
(1221) Herman (whispering): I think a good permanent insanity would be fear of flying things...planes...birds...anything
(1255) GM: The shape looks like a large reptilian bird
whispering to Herman, :)
** (1253) Troy drops his jaw **
(1255) GM: as it swoops down towards you the man in the black robes screams and covers his eyes
(1230) Henry: stab him too
(1221) Herman: I woulnd't worry about that :)
(1255) GM: the creature grabs him by the shoulders and carries him off
(1255) GM: this all occurs in a matter of seconds
(1221) Herman: see?
(1255) GM: before you know it, he and the creature is gone
** (1253) Troy looks after them **
(1253) Troy: What the hell was that?
(1230) Henry: nice
(1230) Henry: Herman's mom
(1255) GM: the remaining man who attacked you is still there, cowering in fear in the sand
(1221) Herman: whydotheyflywhydotheyflywhydoweflywhydoweflywhydotheyfly?
(1253) Troy: go after him with the chainsaw
(1255) GM: ok. roll d100
(1253) Troy: [1d100] -> [44] = (44)
(1255) GM: you get him and kill him
(1253) Troy: Yeah!
(1255) GM: in a bloody mess
(1255) GM: the altar in front of you starts to glow
(1230) Henry: someone pee on it
(1253) Troy: Can I chainsaw that bitch too?
(1255) GM: its stone
(1253) Troy: hmmm
(1255) GM: what are you going to do
(1253) Troy: Try and push it over
(1255) GM: roll str x 5
(1221) Herman: I'm happy right where I am...very close to the ground
(1230) Henry: I'll chill too
(1253) Troy: [1d100] -> [15] = (15)
(1253) Troy: got it baby
(1255) GM: didn't budge
(1255) GM: you also hear the woman start to moan
(1253) Troy: Go see what's up with her
whispering to Herman, roll d100, if you beat a 35 you break out of your trance
(1221) Herman: [1d100] -> [94] = (94)
(1255) GM: she is semi-concious and not very lucid
whispering to Herman, um, no
(1253) Troy: Pick her up and get her away from the altar
(1221) Herman (whispering): no kidding....I think poor Hermy's gonna grow roots here...
(1255) GM: teh altar starts to glow and pulse. its' almost as you can hear it pulse too
(1230) Henry: run like shit
(1253) Troy: get her FAR away from it
(1255) GM: you can carry her easily
(1255) GM: what about herman?
(1221) Herman: don'
(1221) Herman (whispering): Agoraphobia ain't a bad choice either
(1253) Troy: I'll drop the girl far enough away from the altar and then come back for Herman
whispering to Herman, :) i dont think herman will be doing too much outdoors in the near future
(1255) GM: you prob can't carry him by yourself
(1230) Henry: I'll help
(1221) Herman (whispering): He'll probably LIKE a cubicle now
(1253) Troy: Can I pull him, though?
(1255) GM: if henry helps, then yes
(1253) Troy: okay, we will then
(1255) GM: i'll make it easy, everyone roll luck
(1221) Herman: (now it's a bad thing to be a fat ass...sheesh)
(1253) Troy: [1d100] -> [24] = (24)
(1253) Troy: got it
(1230) Henry: [1d100] -> [29] = (29)
(1221) Herman: [1d100] -> [67] = (67)
(1221) Herman: Well of course not...if we havn't figured it out yet, Herman isn't the luckiest guy in the world
(1255) GM: you're able to carry herman and the girl into the blue room past the passage when you hear an explosion behind you
(1255) GM: (just needed 2 outta 3)
(1253) Troy: I'm not gonna check it out
(1255) GM: the passage behind you falls in on itself, shutting it forever
(1221) Herman: (yay! indoors!)
(1230) Henry: let's get to the car and get outta here
(1255) GM: (i'll assume everyone does that)
(1253) Troy: yeah
(1255) GM: you get to the car and the keys start it right up.
(1221) Herman: long as I don't go outside....but going out in a car's fien
(1221) Herman: fine, too
(1253) Troy: Henry's driving, I guess
(1255) GM: able to get out, you find the garage leads to an old raod, which eventually leads to a highway
(1230) Henry: sure
(1255) GM: after some time you make it to a town
(1230) Henry: nice
(1255) GM: the girl eventually explains that she is julie stone and was about to be sacrificed to some evil god, but you stopped her
(1255) GM: (in essence)
(1255) GM: Of course, herman will never go outside again
(1255) GM: or fly
(1221) Herman: eh...I was always a Raquetball man anyway
(1255) GM: :)
(1255) GM: you guys got most everything
(1253) Troy: What did we miss?
(1255) GM: you missed a few a shotgun in the basement
(1253) Troy: I had the chainsaw, I don't care...hehe
(1255) GM: also you never looked at the food on the was human meat
(1230) Henry: the shotty woulda been nice
(1255) GM: um...what else...
(1253) Troy: ewww
(1221) Herman: I'm glad I didn't look
(1253) Troy: the other door in the kitchen?
(1255) GM: oh, the door you never went into led to a solarium
(1221) Herman: pretty
(1253) Troy: what's a solarium?
(1255) GM: in it was a bunch of flowers and herbs and a man-eating venus fly trap
(1255) GM: its a greenhouse
(1255) GM: smaller scale though
(1253) Troy: ahhh
(1253) Troy: What was the flying thing?
(1255) GM: the sink in the kitchen had the other human hand in the garbage disposal. :)
(1255) GM: byakhee
(1255) GM: i didn't describe it well
(1253) Troy: That's probably all the chars would have been able to take in, tho
(1221) Kid: I was taking in the sand...
(1255) GM: basically, he was trying to summon a byakhee to do his bidding, but when you knocked the girl off the altar it screwd it up
(1255) GM: ya, you did miss 2 first aid kits though
(1255) GM: those would have helped.
(1253) Troy: would they have helped at all?
(1253) Troy: ahh
(1255) GM: i know the ending was a little weak, but how was it?
(1221) Kid: I thouroughly enjoyed it
(1230) Henry: awesome
(1253) Troy: I had fun, most definitely
(1255) GM: thanks
(1253) Troy: If you guys want, I would like to try to come up with one...
(1255) GM: i'll have to modify it and run it again against some other victims :)
(1221) Kid: mad props for freehand drawing a map
(1253) Troy: Yes, and props to my cool grafitti
(1255) GM: that was harder than hell! i need to find how to work that
(1255) GM: :)
(1221) Kid: scanning in maps is much easier
(1253) Troy: Would everyone be interested in doing this next weekend, or some other time?
(1255) trevlix: ya. i'm going to scan in the notes next time too so i don't have to type everything in
(1255) trevlix: i would be
(1255) trevlix: btw, i'm going to post this session on my website (
(1221) Kid: yeah, I've gotten to the point where 50% of my adventures are pre written...saves a lot of grief
(1255) trevlix: i'll let everyone know when it is
(1221) Kid: good, I was wondering if someone made a log
(1253) Troy: That'll be cool.
(1255) trevlix: yep. been making it along the way
(1230) Jinglenuts: sounds good
(1253) Troy: No one minds if I call GM for the next session, do they?
(1255) trevlix: go for it. that would rock
(1230) Jinglenuts: nope
(1221) Kid: no problems here
(1255) trevlix: kid - would you mind doing an all flesh at some time?
(1255) trevlix: i love that game, but have only played it once
(1221) Kid: heh, already got one written
(1255) trevlix: sweet
(1255) trevlix: james, whats your email?
(1253) Troy: awesome. Kid, I'm guessing Tyler has your e-mail in case we need to alert you?
(1255) trevlix: i dont have it
(1255) trevlix: ya
(1230) Jinglenuts (whispering):
(1221) Kid: I dunno who has my email
(1221) Kid: it's
(1253) Troy: Groovy. Well, I'm gonna get out of here and have a celebratory Easy-Mac and take a loooooooong piss...thanks guys, it was fun as hell
(1221) Kid: heh, enjoy
(1230) Jinglenuts: ditto, maybe a Sheetz run is in order
(1255) trevlix: cool. im gonna go too
(1255) trevlix: have to get up @ 7am
(1255) trevlix: :(
(1221) Kid: eww
(1253) Troy: Peace out bitches...and remember, ALL HAIL THE KING, BABY!
(1255) trevlix: yah.
(1255) trevlix: :)
(1221) Kid: heh, right
(1255) trevlix: my three year old likes to wake me up early
(1255) trevlix: well, talk to everyone later!
(1221) Kid: I just have cats...although they do that too
(1221) Kid: 'night